Accredited Contractor / ROLO Training Provider
Surrey, GU2 7AG 01483 466000
Search againAbout Thomson Environmental Consultants Ltd
The UK’s leading experts in gaining consents and ensuring compliance with planning conditions. With so much at stake, why use anyone else? We are a multidisciplinary practice focused on delivering client satisfaction and design excellence. We employ award winning, innovative and comprehensive site analysis techniques with robust and creative design processes to minimise project risks and streamline project workflows. Through diligent research, open communication, design collaboration and commercial understanding we provide our clients with outstanding service and value for money. Underpinned by our core values of respect, integrity, support and excellence we survey, design and construct inspirational environments for living, learning, caring and working, that strive to raise the bar and leave a legacy of places that are sustainable, affordable, appropriate, memorable and rewarding. We utilise knowledge and experience from our in-house teams that include GIS, ecological, arboriculture, design and ecological contracting teams. We and are able to provide a full service throughout the project cycle from inception to completion and beyond, supporting our clients and providing peace of mind and accountability at every stage. Services include: Ecological contracting Invasive plants Habitat creation Wildflower meadows Tree planting
Areas covered
East Anglia, Midlands, National (Eng/Wales/Scot/NI), North Thames, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South Thames, South West, Wales, Yorkshire North East
Types of work undertaken
- Decking (unlimited)
- Invasive Weed Control (unlimited)
- Soft Landscaping (unlimited)
- Ponds And Water Features (unlimited)
- Arboriculture (unlimited)
- Commercial (unlimited)
- Fencing (unlimited)
- Pesticide/Weed Application (unlimited)
- Land Draining/Sand Slitting (unlimited)
- Design Facility (unlimited)
- Machinery (landscape and horticultural) (unlimited)
- Hydroseeding (unlimited)
- Forestry/Mature Tree (unlimited)
- Irrigation (unlimited)
- Reclamation And Erosion (unlimited)
- Technical Advisory And Recruitment (unlimited)
- Hard Landscaping (unlimited)