
Landscape and Maintenance Professionally Qualified Person (PQP) White/Yellow

To obtain this SmartCard you need to achieve ROLO Managers Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness Course, CITB Managers and Professionals (MAP) Touch Screen Test and proof of current membership as a Member/Chartered Member/Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIOH) or current Chartered Member/Fellow Member of the Landscape Institute (LI).

You must ensure the relevant ROLO and CITB Touch Screen Test have been completed within the last two years upon application.

Check your qualifications.

To locate your nearest ROLO Managers Training Provider check our online directory.

To book your CITB Managers and Professionals (MAP) Touch Screen Test click here.

Your Occupational Title on the reverse of the SmartCard will be:

  • Approved Member of Related Professional Body

Please note this LISS/CSCS SmartCard is valid for five years.

Checklist of what you need to provide with your application when applying:

Type of LISS/CSCS SmartCard

New        Update Renewal*


(lost or stolen)

Provide unique email and home address


Not applicable



Passport style photo ID

Click here for more information


Not applicable



ROLO Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness Course for Managers

Still waiting for your certificate? Please upload a separate letter providing the name of the training provider and the date you took your test


Not applicable



Copy of your score report for your relevant CITB Touch Screen Test


Not applicable



Proof of your current relevant professional body membership


Not applicable



*LISS/CSCS SmartCards can only be renewed 6 months prior to, and up to 6 months after, the expiry date printed on the card. The expiry date of a renewed card will be the expiry date of the original card plus the lifespan of the card.

How to apply?

The quickest and most convenient way to apply for a LISS/CSCS SmartCard is via our online application service, please click the 'apply now' button below. Alternatively, you can download the application form here, complete and return to BALI with the required documentation and appropriate payment. Please note that postal applications may take longer to process. The application form cannot be sent via email.

apply now