Level 2 Skilled Worker - Blue
- Natural England/DEFRA (or equivalents with Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural Resources Wales and Northern Ireland Environment Agency) Class licence (s) for Wildlife Management - Provide current evidence of your licence.
Red Trainee (AQP) Academically Qualified Person - Working towards a relevant Ecology & Environmental degree:
- Ecology & Environmental Management related Degree (proof of enrolment)
(AQP) Academically Qualified Person (White/Yellow)
- BSc Animal Biology
- BSc Animal Conservation and Biodiversity
- BSc Animal Science
- BSc Applied Ecology
- BSc Biodiversity Survey
- BSc Biological Recording - Collection and Management
- BSc Biological Sciences
- BSc Conservation and Biodiversity
- BSc Conservation and Wildlife Management
- BSc Conservation Science
- BSc Degree in Rural Estate Management
- BSc Ecological Management and Conservation Biology
- BSc Ecological Science (Conservation and Ecological Management)
- BSc Ecology
- BSc Ecology and Biogeography
- BSc Ecology and Environmental Biology
- BSc Ecology and Management of the Natural Environment
- BSc Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
- BSc Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
- BSc Environmental Biology
- BSc Environmental Biology: Conservation and Resource Management
- BSc Environmental Conservation
- BSc Environmental Management
- BSc Environmental Management and Planning
- BSc Environmental Protection
- BSc Environmental Protection and Management
- BSc Environmental Science
- BSc Heritage Conservation
- BSc Integrated Environmental Studies
- BSc Landscape Ecology, Design and Management
- BSc Landscape Ecology, Design and Management
- BSc Species Identification and Survey Skills
- BSc Surveying and Land Environmental Management
- BSc Wildlife Biology and Conservation
- BSc Wildlife Conservation
- CertHE Biological Recording & Species Identification
- HNC Ecology (BTEC) Edexcel
- HNC Wildlife & Conservation Management
- HND Conservation Management
- HND Ecology (BTEC) Edexcel
- HND Environmental Management and Sustainability
- MSc Ecological Consultancy
- MSc Conservation Biology
- MSc Ecological Applications
- MSc Ecology and Environmental Sustainability
- MSc Environmental Assessment and Management
- MSc Environmental Biology
- MSc Environmental Management
- MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management
- MSc Environmental Science
- MSc Environmental Studies
- MSc Landscape Ecology, Design and Management
- Open University Diploma in Environmental Pollution and Control
Trainee (PQP) Professionally Qualified Person (Red)
- Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) - Provide current evidence of your Student/Qualifying/Graduate or Associate Membership
- Chartered Institute of Water & Environmental Management (CIWEM) - Provide current evidence of your Student/Apprentice or Graduate/Technician Membership
(PQP) Professionally Qualified Person (White/Yellow)
- Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) - Provide current evidence of your Full/Fellow Membership
- Chartered Institute of Water & Environmental Management (CIWEM) - Provide current evidence of your Member Grade/Chartered/Fellow Membership
If your qualification is relevant to this sector and it is not listed, please contact BALI for review of this qualification.
If you have a land-based related qualification that was awarded outside the UK and is not currently recognised by LISS/CSCS you should contact Ecctis so that they can review your qualification and determine whether it is comparable to an NVQ, SVQ or other qualification appropriate to your occupation and the LISS/CSCS SmartCard you wish to apply for.
To find out further information please click here.