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Following a recent communication from CSCS we felt it was time to update our members and LISS/CSCS customers on the current situation with the withdrawal of Industry Accreditation (IA), We will continue to monitor the situation and update our members should any further changes be made.

What is Industry Accreditation?

IA was a mechanism by which workers could obtain LISS/CSCS cards on the strength of an employers’ recommendation rather than the achievement of a recognised qualification.

LISS/CSCS stopped issuing new cards under Industry Accreditation back in 2013, but if you previously held a card under IA the scheme rules allowed you to continue to renew until June 2024 with the card expiring 31st December 2024.

Why is LISS/CSCS withdrawing Industry Accreditation?

LISS/CSCS together with 37 other partner card schemes, are bound by the Construction Leadership Council’s (CLC) requirement that all industry card schemes must operate with nationally recognised qualifications in place for all occupations. This requirement is particularly important when addressing the IA issue.

To satisfy the Construction Leadership Council’s requirements, CSCS announced plans to withdraw cards issued under IA, which included:

  • IA cards issued from 1st Jan 2020 expired on 31st Dec 2024 and could not be renewed
  • CSCS ceased renewing IA cards from 30th June 2024.

What options do I have to move off IA?

There are a number of ways to move off IA:

  1. Vocational qualifications already achieved: cardholders who have achieved the qualifications for their occupation can renew their card for the full five-year term as normal.
  2. Academically Qualified person card: This card is available to people who have completed certain occupation related degrees, HNDs, HNCs.
  3. Professionally Qualified person: This card is available to members of LISS/CSCS approved Professional Bodies.
  4. Not everyone needs a card: There will be IA card holders who no longer require their CSCS cards. For example, you may have moved into a position where you no longer visit site or are classed as a non-construction related occupation. In these scenarios, you do not require a LISS/CSCS card.

Those unable to fit into these four scenarios will be required to register for the appropriate qualification for their occupation.

Why am I being sent back to college if I have years of experience or other relevant qualifications?

Those without qualifications will be required to register for the appropriate qualification for their occupation. However, it doesn't necessarily mean attending college to achieve an NVQ. Please see Industry Accreditation Cardholders for options for Gold (Supervisors) and Black (Managers) cardholders.