3.01 - planning

The Standard

3.01 - Planning

The business shall identify the processes required to provide product or service delivery consistent with the customer, legislative and regulatory requirements. In planning product and/or service delivery, the organisation shall determine

  • The requirements of the project, product or service.
  • The processes, documents and resources specific to the project, product or service.
  • The success criteria and the appropriate records to allow validation, monitoring, inspection and testing specific to the project, product or service specification/requirements.

Guidance Notes

What we are looking for is how well the company considers the requirements of each enquiry/job.

  • Does the business have the skills, man power and money?
  • Do they ask for deposits?
  • Do they try and use existing material stock where appropriate to do so?
  • Evidence of the planning should also be evident on site, is the job well resourced and running to schedule or are the team held up waiting on materials or sub-contractors?  

Possible Sources of Evidence

For small and simple projects this may be as simple as allocating time in a diary or work schedule and as operations become more complex it may require Gantt charts, procurement records, inspection reports, valuations and payment schedules, samples and detailed validation procedures.

