3.02 - customer related processes

The Standard

3.02 - Customer Related Processes

The organisation shall determine

  • Requirements specified by the customer, including arrangements for delivery and post-delivery activities.
  • Any other project requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for the specified or intended use/purpose, where known.
  • statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the product, and
  • Any additional requirements considered necessary by the organisation.

Guidance Notes

This is about ensuring the customer receives what they expect/asked for, whilst accepting that what has been asked for may not be fully specified.

For example, the client wants a path laid from A to B, but is unlikely to know what sub-base would be suitable or may not have given much thought as to the width it will need to be. The contractor will need to fill in the gaps and detail this in the specification or quotation. This happens a lot and does pose the question as to whether it constitutes a design and if so, is it covered via a PI policy.

We also need to see how the company applies the relevant legislation to the job i.e. nesting birds check list/training, bat awareness, CDM, Risk Assessment, COSHH and so on.   

Possible Sources of Evidence

Evidence may include a client brief, agreed design or specification, other client correspondence, research notes, supplier stipulations or recommendations, reference to British Standards or other relevant regulatory or statutory guidelines.

