Accredited Designer
Leicestershire, LE8 9GN info@kearydesign.co.uk 0116 241 0299 www.kearydesign.co.uk
Search againAbout Keary, David (MBALI)
David’s experience across the commercial and private landscaping sectors has been gained from projects including residential schemes, masterplanning, feasibility studies, parks, reclamation, regeneration, conservation, leisure, play and corporate developments nationwide. Keary Design Associates are multi-disciplined Midlands-based Landscape, designing and planning for residential, commercial, private and public projects in hard and soft landscaping schemes. David is a Chartered Landscape Architect and Keary Design Associates is a Registered Landscape Institute practice.
Areas covered
Midlands, National (Eng/Wales/Scot/NI), Wales, North West, Yorkshire North East, Scotland, East Anglia, North Thames, South West, South Thames, Northern Ireland
Types of work undertaken
- Disabled/Historic Gardens (up to £100,000)
- Playground (up to £100,000)
- Land Draining/Sand Slitting (up to £50,000)
- Pesticide/Weed Application (up to £10,000)
- Irrigation (up to £10,000)
- Commercial (up to £5,000)
- Ponds And Water Features (up to £50,000)
- Decking (unlimited)
- Soft Landscaping (up to £50,000)
- Domestic (up to £10,000)
- Reclamation And Erosion (up to £5,000)
- Forestry/Mature Tree (up to £5,000)
- Fencing (up to £5,000)
- Ground Reinforcement Systems (up to £5,000)
- Golf Course Construction (up to £50,000)
- Roof Gardens/Green Roofs (unlimited)
- Design Facility (unlimited)
- Sports/Leisure Facilities (unlimited)
- Road/Roadside Construction (up to £10,000)
- Hard Landscaping (up to £10,000)
- Arboriculture (up to £5,000)
- Grounds Maintenance (unlimited)
- Interiorscapes (up to £10,000)
Public Open Space
et amongst an historic landscape, the design needed to retain the character and heritage of surrounding areas whilst establishing a contemporary, inviting play area for new and future generations to enjoy. The landscape design brief was to remain sensitive with the existing trees - ancient yews and conifers - and to facilitate maintenance, with extensive use of no-dig footpaths. The understated design, using natural materials, subdued colours and allowing glimpse views from outside of the complex used a plant palette consistent with the setting and in tune with the historical character of the original landscape. The project was multi-disciplined, managing several layers of the supply chain - from liaison with planning personnel at the local authority to the specification of the play equipment, through to its - detailed execution and delivery with the landscape contracting teams.

Formal Garden
Positioned within the conservation area of Charnwood Forest on a site of approximately 0.6ha, the scope of the project was to design all elements of the outside space of a large private residence, including walls, paving, steps, structures and a comprehensive planting plan. The design brief was a challenging one - to accommodate rapid changes in levels and to use retaining structures that would accentuate rather than impose, and that could accommodate planting to further soften the effect. The client wanted "drama and visual impact" and these wishes were accommodated with the form and line of the design and resulting planting. The walls create terraces to soften the changes of level and the lines are gentle, organic curves which provide a smooth landscape which reaches out beyond the garden boundaries to the greater landscape and horizon beyond. Planting includes swathes of herbaceous plants, grasses and roses to emphasise English garden themes. Varying obelisks create repetition and height ranges across the garden. Circulation around the garden is via curving bound gravel paths, punctuated with seating to enjoy continuous exposure to sunlight.

Care Home
The care home was positioned within a sloping site, alongside a public footpath and open space. The encircling landscape wrapped around a group of buildings, screening views and blending the development into its setting. The ornamental areas were an essential resource for the enjoyment of the residents. Several themed garden areas to the rear of the properties created ambience, diversity and interest for those who resided within the home and their visitors. The development frontage was punctuated by prominent positioning of fastigiate cupressus and a tree-lined avenue leading to a parking area. This, in turn, was intensively planted with grasses, shrubs and bamboos.

Riverside Residential
Set on the waterfront in Shrewsbury and a two minute walk from the town centre, there is a new David Wilson Homes development full of charm, natural beauty and character. Riverside Meadows boasts beautiful landscaped gardens viewed from the balconies of the facing apartments and overlooking the River Severn. The scheme called for the defining, designing and refining of landscape plans for this stunning development in Shropshire. Built alongside the old Shrewsbury Town Football Ground at Gay Meadows, the site nestles on the banks of the River and blends into the outlying natural environment with considered and thoughtful plant selection, landscape form and flow. Keary Design Associates provided the masterplan, detailed soft landscape plan and landscape management plan for the development. This prestigious flagship residential scheme has grown into a glorious showpiece for housebuilding in the natural landscape. The choice shrubs and trees selected reflect and complement the high quality design and build of the development. The ecological and landscape considerations of the local area, susceptible to flooding, have been embraced and integrated into the design and complexity of the scheme. The resulting landscaped grounds, surrounds and courtyard are a stunning showcase of all that is great in landscape architecture, courtesy of Keary Design Associates, and a beauty to behold from each of the residential balconies and the River itself.