news article

Addagrip Terraco lays resin for busy London junction

30 Apr 2019 | BALI Member News

As part of The City of London public realm improvements, 245m2 of Terrabound Resin Bound surfacing was selected for the development of the area at the junction of Monument and Lower Thames Street in London.

BALI Registered Affiliate member Addagrip approved contractor Total Protection Ltd was appointed by J.B. Riney & Co Ltd to install BBA Approved Terrabound at this busy pedestrian area as part of improvements which included the addition of new planters, seating and trees.

The client was looking for a seamless, porous, robust paving material to cope with the heavy footfall of pedestrian traffic. A Terrabound 6mm Peanut blend was selected to match the tones of the surrounding buildings and provide a contrast to the grey stone raised planters already in-situ.

Due to the very busy location, Total Protection operatives began works early in the morning to beat most of the ‘rush hour’ and complete the entirety of the 245m2 area in a single morning to minimise disruption.

Work was completed to schedule in April 2019 to the satisfaction of the client.

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