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Advice from Adtrak as Google's HTTPS deadline draws nearer

06 Jun 2018 | BALI Member News

From July 2018, Google will explicitly identify insecure sites in the Chrome browser. This makes it more important than ever to ensure your website is secure to avoid missing out on valuable website visitors and potential sales leads.

Ben Shaw, an Account Director at Adtrak, our digital marketing partner, is on hand to explain the ramifications and importance of Google’s HTTPS update, as well as to provide help to any landscaping businesses that require it.

“In layman’s terms, Google’s HTTPS update will mean that all websites that begin http://, rather than https://, will be marked as ‘not secure’ in Chrome’s address bar (also known as the omnibox). A HTTPS site, on the other hand, will be displayed as ‘secure’ with a green padlock.

This warning will be shown following a Google update in July 2018, with a full rollout expected across all HTTP websites by September 2018.

The warning will only appear when you are using Chrome. However, with an estimated 56% of worldwide web users using Chrome as their preferred internet browser, the impacts are set to be considerable.

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