news article

BALI and a new chapter in UK politics

09 Jul 2024 | BALI News

Labour’s victory in the 2024 General Election heralds a new era for UK politics. As the new Government takes shape and promises hopefully begin to be delivered, the Association will engage, support and challenge the Government on behalf of members at every opportunity to ensure we have the best all-round support and opportunity for our industry that lasts long into the future. The Association looks forward to a constructive relationship with relevant parliamentarians and will endeavour to represent all members when pursuing to shape policies and legislation so that they can be of more benefit to our members and the wider industry.

A historic win

Winning with one of the largest electoral landslides in British political history, Sir Kier Starmer of the Labour Party will become the latest Prime Minister of the UK, forming a new Government with 412 MPs. This electoral result means that the Labour Party will have a majority of 174, which is the number of seats held by the governing party minus the number of seats held by all the other parties and independents in the Government. With a majority so large, it will mean that we can expect legislation to be passed through the Government quicker and more easily as we’d expect to see more Parliamentarians ‘on side’ through the process. However, there is ample opportunity for internal disagreements and rebellions which the Association will monitor as relevant legislation is discussed and pushed through Parliament.

The aftermath and key developments so far

Since the early hours of Friday 5th July, Labour has swiftly moved to consolidate its position. The formation of the new Government is underway, with ministerial positions being filled and sworn in. The state opening of Parliament marks the formal start of the Parliamentary year and will be held on the 17th of July where the King’s Speech will set out the Government’s proposed policies and legislation for the coming session.

We have also seen early policy announcements from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, and Secretary of State for DEFRA, Steve Reed. These early policy announcements have set the tone for a strong focus on addressing income inequalities, enhancing public services, reforming planning policy and building regulations, cleaning up our environment and transitioning to a green economy.

The Association anticipates these policy trends to continue over the coming weeks and months, particularly focused around:

  • Economic Reforms – Introduction of measures to boost job creation, support small businesses and enhance workers’ rights.
  • Public Services – Expansion and improvement of our education, healthcare, NHS, and housing sectors
  • Social Policies - Introduction of measures to tackle social inequality and enhance community welfare programmes.

There are more key dates the Association is monitoring over the next few weeks and months, which we will update members on accordingly:

  • 9 July – Parliament returns, Speaker elected, MPs begin to be sworn in
  • 9 July – NATO summit in Washington DC, Sir Kier Starmer to attend.
  • 17 July – King’s speech, setting out Labour’s legislative programme for government.
  • 18 July - European Political Community summit, hosted by Sir Kier Starmer at Blenheim Palace
  • 31 July – likely date for the beginning of Parliamentary recess
  • 2 September – Parliament returns (until conference recess from mid-September)
  • Mid-September or late-October – likely date for the Budget

The role of the Association

Whilst welcoming in the newly formed Government, we are committed to ensuring that our collective voice as a landscaping and horticulture industry gets heard. From recent announcements, we have already seen very little acknowledgement towards our industry and therefore one of our immediate tasks will include reconfiguring our Parliamentarian catalogue so that the Association can effectively communicate with the new Government on behalf of members. The Association hopes that more productive engagement with the Government will see more recognition of the value our members and the wider industry offer, the needs we have that must be met, and opportunities that must be supported and encouraged.  

As an Association that supports endeavour, celebrates excellence, encourages innovation, and demonstrates leadership, we aim to raise the profile of the landscaping and horticulture industry, where the issues we face have the right levels of attention and action from the Government where necessary.

To conclude

Labour’s victory in the 2024 General Election heralds a new era for UK politics. As the new Government takes shape and promises hopefully begin to be delivered, the Association will engage, support and challenge the Government on behalf of members at every opportunity to ensure we have the best all-round support and opportunity for our industry that lasts long into the future. The Association looks forward to a constructive relationship with relevant parliamentarians and will endeavour to represent all members when pursuing to shape policies and legislation so that they can be of more benefit to our members and the wider industry.

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