BALI and Lantra share interim findings from research exploring barriers to new entrants into the landscaping industry
Initial findings in an ongoing research project have found that:
80% of respondents said it was difficult to recruit an apprentice with 16% saying it was very difficult.
6 in 10 would like to know more about how funding works when employing an apprentice and 5 in 10 want to know how apprenticeships work.
80% of respondents expect to hire staff within the next 12 months; 68% expect to do so within the next six months. More than half of those expecting to hire staff believe the positions might be suitable for an apprentice.
So, the research project comes at a critical time as the industry looks to the future and looks for solutions to the skills and labour it faces.
The project is now moving into its second phase ahead of the publication of the report in the summer. Lantra will host a series of focus groups to gather more in-depth data on the experiences landscaping businesses have had and the challenges they face with regards to apprenticeships being a route into the sector. If you would like to get involved, please email research@lantra.co.uk.
Lantra and BALI will use the findings of the report to develop support materials for landscaping businesses and employers to help them address the challenges currently faced. This will be published later in the year.