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BALI data protection factsheet on GDPR in the workplace

30 Oct 2018 | BALI Member News

We have attached for you a general outline of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) factsheet which will update you on everything you need to know.

GDPR was initially an EU reform from 2012 and was brought out due to the progression into the digital age to replace the Data Protection Act 1988. This required there to be some form digital protection of privacy of data. The creation of the GDPR allowed Europeans in all member states of the EU some form of online protection of the personal information.

Most of our lives revolve around personal data in most services that we use on a day to day bases such as banking, retailing, and more important credit card details and addresses. The idea is that GDPR allows us protection from data breaches.

As a landscape contractor or garden designer, in most cases, you will be processing data under the lawful basis of ‘contract’. But the consent is needed from the individual of an opt-in option in order for the information to be kept and used.  

For more information on GDPR data protection then follow the link for the full factsheet:  

Data protection factsheet for GDPR

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