news article

BALI uncovers EverEdge's ranges

16 Aug 2018 | BALI Member News

Earlier this month, BALI's Technical Officer (Policy & Research) Owen Baker stopped by BALI Registered Affiliate member EverEdge to meet the team and find out a little more about their unique landscaping products.

Nestled in the heart of Shropshire, disguised as pretty farm buildings lies the EverEdge head office.  Subtle and easily overlooked, their important role is hidden by an attractive exterior – rather like EverEdge’s edging products. 

From these buildings, EverEdge run an international business, with products designed and manufactured over the last 25 years, entirely in the UK.  Last month I spent a day meeting the team and learning a little more about the range of products, how they work and what makes EverEdge unique. 

What exactly does edging do?

Edging is a component probably noticed by every visitor to a managed landscape without giving its function a second thought.  Having learnt about the product and reflected on the roles performed, I have realised there are a myriad of answers:

  • Function

The primary function of edging is to separate two landscape types.  For example, creating a boundary between grass and a planting bed, or gravel from planting bed or even hard landscaped areas from artificial turf.  The combinations are endless, but essentially the edge serves to retain soft or hard landscape material on either side of a boundary. 

The secondary function of edging is to reinforce and protect the edge of a landscape type, ensuring the overall layout of design elements is protected.

  • Form

Regardless of project style or size, EverEdge offer an edging solution in a finish which will suit. 

Edging can be used either to contrast with a surface to create an obvious feature, or subtly blend in with surroundings.

  • Maintenance

Fitting a manufactured edge such as EverEdge ensures significantly less time spent maintaining grass edges. 

Once installed, edges will ensure layouts remain as designed, prevent damage from both pedestrian and light vehicular traffic and retain a professional, well-maintained finish.   

Is it easy to install?

EverEdge is extremely easy to install. It requires no specialist tools or skills (in most cases, EverEdge can be driven into the ground with a block of wood and mallet alone) and can be installed on site quickly without significant site preparation.  See the video on the website.

Varying lengths of edging can be used either in a linear or curved arrangement.  Alternatively, the edging can be bent on site to create corners of any angle.  For trees, pre-formed circular areas of edging are also available. 

How do I specify it?

EverEdge can supply edging in any combination of height, length and thickness for either commercial or domestic projects.  The table on the following page outlines the broad categories of edging available and, where there is an overlap of functions, EverEdge can provide technical guidance.  EverEdge are also able to manufacture bespoke edging for specific tasks.    


In addition to its edging range, EverEdge also produce bespoke planters for private gardens, roof gardens, podiums and a wide range of public places.  These planters can be designed and manufactured according to the customer requirements with a wide range of finishes, sizes and shapes. 

Further information

EverEdge website

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