news article

BALI welcomes the Government’s launch of a Rapid Review to meet Environment Act targets

20 Aug 2024 | BALI News

The Association welcomes DEFRA’s announcement of a rapid review aimed at accelerating progress towards the ambitious targets set by the Environment Act. This initiative underscores the urgent need for a coordinated approach to environmental stewardship across the multiple sectors that engage with DEFRA, UK industries and the wider Government.

The review announced by Environment Secretary of State, Steve Reed, is designed to identify and overcome challenges in meeting these critical targets. The announcement mentions a specific focus on protecting biodiversity, improving air and water quality, and reducing waste. As the nation mobilises to meet these goals, The Association stresses the vital role professional landscapers must play in this effort.

"Landscapers possess a strong combination of knowledge, experience, and hands-on capability that can significantly contribute to the success of these environmental objectives. Our industry has been at the forefront of creating and maintaining sustainable, resilient environments that not only enhance natural beauty but also promote biodiversity, improve air quality, and manage water resources effectively,"

said Wayne Grills, BALI Chief Executive.

Landscapers are uniquely positioned to implement nature-based solutions that can help address the challenges outlined in the Environment Act. From designing green spaces that foster biodiversity to creating rain gardens that manage stormwater runoff, the landscaping industry is equipped with practical solutions that can be scaled across the country.

"We urge the government to engage with our industry as part of this rapid review process, collaboration with landscapers will ensure that the strategies developed are not only scientifically sound but also practically feasible and sustainable in the long term. Our expertise can help transform policy into actionable outcomes that benefit both the environment and local communities."

continued Wayne.

In light of the government's recent priorities, the Association is committed to being an active partner in the effort to meet and exceed the targets of the Environment Act. The Association looks forward to engaging with its members and contributing expertise to the Government to help shape the green infrastructure necessary for a sustainable future.

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