news article

Call for Applications for Defra Plant Health Register of Reviewers

14 Aug 2024 | Technical News

The Plant Health division of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is looking for experts to apply and join a Plant Health Register of Reviewers (RoR). This is a list of pre-approved experts who Defra can call upon to carry out ad-hoc peer review tasks and provide science and technical advice to support Plant Health research.

The RoR is being created to increase Defra’s access to experts and advice from across the field of Plant Health. The Register of Reviewers is intended to provide an additional, independent assurance function, where our programme would benefit from this to ensure quality, trust and robustness of outputs and therefore maximise the impact on public interests.

Applications open 14 August 2024. Sifting will begin on 13 September. Defra plan to keep this call open to future applicants but reserve the right to close the call for applications at any time beyond 13 September. Defra aim to conduct a sift of applications quarterly.

Further information about joining the register and how to apply can be found in the further reading section, below.

Further reading

Defra webpage: Application for Defra Plant Health Register of Reviewers

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