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DEFRA to help rescue pollinators with strategy

22 May 2019 | Technical News

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have pledged to support the race to save bees with two key strategies planned. 

In reference to Word Bee Day on Monday 20 May 2019, DEFRA has been promoting their 25 Year Environment Plan and National Pollinator Strategy.

25 Year Environment Plan strategy aims to The 25 Year Plan is a complex piece of environmental forward planning with a considerable breadth of coverage over a long timescale. It sets out a wide range of actions designed, over the course of the Plan, to result in cleaner air and water, richer habitats for more wildlife and an approach to agriculture, forestry, land use and fisheries that puts the environment first. 

The National Pollinator Strategy (NPS) was launched in November 2014. It is a statement of collaborative action and cooperation between Government and other organisations to protect the future of pollinators.

To find out more about DEFRA and the latest news visit The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) website here.

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