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Evergreen hollies are shrubs with year round appeal

08 Dec 2020 | BALI Member News

Hollies are long-lived evergreen shrubs with year round appeal. They are excellent wildlife plants; the tiny flowers are a source of food for insects and the winter berries valuable food for wild birds. Plus, the cut foliage is traditional for festive decoration, so a supply of fresh material close to home is welcome.

There are many good reasons to plant hollies in your garden.

They are long-lived evergreen shrubs with year round appeal. They are excellent wildlife plants; the tiny flowers are a source of food for insects and the winter berries valuable food for wild birds. The cut foliage is traditional for festive decoration, so a supply of fresh material close to home is welcome. What is more a holly planted near the front door will ward off evil spirits; a holly left to grow in your hedgerow will deter witches that may be using the hedge top as a travel route.

Hollies have been revered and cultivated since ancient times. Although there are both deciduous and evergreen species it is the larger evergreens that are most familiar. Surprisingly the British native Ilex aquifolium and its cultivars are not hardy enough for colder climates. In the US and colder parts of Europe the cultivars ofIlex x meserveae are grown instead. With smaller, much darker leaves than common holly Ilex x meserveae is tougher and hardier.

To find out more, read Andy McIndoe's blog at Learning with Experts

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