news article

Firestone Building Products refreshes online presence

22 Mar 2018 | BALI Member News

BALI Registered Affiliate member Firestone Building Products UK and Ireland, has made accessing information about the company’s products, capabilities and technical support easier than ever with the launch of a dedicated UK and Ireland website.

The new site – - provides clear navigation across Firestone’s areas of expertise in roofing, lining, thermal insulation and façades, and features UK-based project case studies, product information and news. Designed to provide accessible and up-to-date information about the products and services Firestone offers in the UK and Ireland, the website is optimised for use on any device via any browser, making it a useful tool and reference for contractors and specifiers, both in the office and out on site.

Explains commercial manager of Firestone Building Products for the UK and Ireland, John McMullan: “In the past, our customers, contractors and specifiers could access information about our products and technical support via our European website but this was not tailored to a UK and Ireland audience.  The new website has been designed to be more relevant to the local market.  

Our European website is still available and relevant to our business but our new website has been specifically designed for a UK and Ireland audience with localised content, contact details and provides ease of accessibility for our contractor and partner login areas. Furthermore, all of the features and downloadable content which forms a key part of our European website is now available via, including up-to-date technical data, safety data, detail drawings, installation guidelines and educational videos”.

The new website includes a training section featuring a calendar of planned training sessions at Firestone’s UK headquarters in Cheshire and online sign up to register interest in attending. It also includes case studies and images of UK projects that have been completed using Firestone products. 

John McMullan continues: “We understand that our website is often the first point of contact for specifiers, contractors and clients so we needed to ensure it was easy to navigate and accessible.

“Our investment in the new website is all part of an online strategy that has also seen us engage with contractors and specifiers via social media on Twitter and Linkedin ensuring that our virtual presence online supports the sales, customer service and technical support offered by our talented UK and Ireland team.

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