Learning with Experts looks at the fruits of fall
BALI Training Provider MyOnlineSchool Ltd T/A Learning with Experts looks at how fruits that adorn the branches of so many trees and shrubs contribute variety and add another dimension to a garden or landscape.
Many fruits provide sustenance for wild birds and small mammals and are quickly devoured when ripe. Meanwhile, others persist on the branches well into winter. Some are showy and colourful, others are subtle and strange.
Some shrubs, such as Cornus kousa, are not grown for their fruits. They are often a surprise when they appear at the end of the year. Dogwoods are associated with midsummer when their butterfly-like bracts settle lightly along the branches. The showy bracts fall away to leave the tight, flower cluster balls to develop into the strawberry-like fruits which ripen as the leaves turn to burgundy-red in fall.
Interested in learning more? Read the full article, written by Andy McIndoe, here.