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Further updates from Defra and SASA

17 Dec 2020 | Technical News

The Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Science and Advice for Scotland (SASA) have issued further updates in preparation for the end of the transition period at the end of December 2020.

Following a meeting earlier this week, Defra have updated the Plant Passport and Post-Transition Period Factsheet and UK Plant Passport Template

Much of the material covered in the Plant Passport and Post-Transition Period Factsheet is already present in the Plant Health section of the BALI website, but contains additional checklists for businesses looking to make a smooth transition on the 1st January 2021. The UK Plant Passport Template contains examples of what the new UK Plant Passports will look like, and what information they should contain.

In their update, SASA have outlined the measures Scotland-based businesses. Although the measures are similar to those in England, members are nevertheless urged to familiarise themselves with the proposals.     

Updates will be reflected on the BALI website in the next few days.

Further reading:

Post-transition guidance on Plant Health Portal
SASA EU Exit Guidance
Plant Heath section of BALI website

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