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Get the most out of your membership ? take our survey now

30 Oct 2018 | BALI Member News

BALI has heard your feedback from our Membership Satisfaction Survey 2017 and has listened, and acted upon, the changes you requested. As a result, there have been some quality digital and offline developments, including our member publications. We urge you to fill in our Membership Satisfaction Survey 2018 so we can continue to make further improvements. 

One of the biggest changes we are making this year is the development of a brand new website. Launching in January, the site will include many new features. With a streamlined user-journey and up-to-date industry-relevant content and 'on the pulse' event listings, BALI hopes the new website will become the place to be when it goes live in the New Year. 

Another area that has seen changes from member feedback is the e-newsletter. Through trial-and-error and various reformatting, the BALI Newsletter is now a much stronger product. There's still room for improvement, and BALI continues to listen to feedback on what members want from its weekly e-communication.

Other areas of development, following last year's survey, was the first review and redesign of Landscape News. This was the first stage of updating Landscape News and has really helped in engaging with our members and simplifying the information produced with a clean and slick feel to the publication.

We also listened to your feedback on the Who’s Who Landscape Directory and have taken the time to review the design and layout. This has resulted in a clearer, more concise read. Additionally, we created a fairer approach for all members by refining the length of membership descriptions to just 70-words.

We also relaunched the BALI Use the Professionals leaflets, which are now also available digitally.

Internally at BALI, we introduced two new full-time positions. BALI's Education Officer and a BALI Technical Officer for Policy and Research. This has enabled us to further support our members by providing technical advice and guidance, and, delivering our GoLandscape careers initiative nationwide. 

For completing this year's survey, BALI is offering twenty prizes for twenty individual members. Prizes include complimentary bottles of wine or chocolates, a pair of BALI National Landscape Award tickets worth £390 and a £150 Amazon voucher. To be entered into the draw, surveys must have been received by Thursday 15 November 2018. The draw will take place on Friday 16 November 2018. Terms apply*.

Follow the link to complete our survey now

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