news article

GoLandscape - July update

06 Aug 2024 | GoLandscape

College Meetings

The GoLandscape team met with Sinead Elford and Nir Halfon from Plumpton college, and Lesley Lane from Berkshire College of Agriculture to discuss how BALI can further support their horticulture and landscaping students. The colleges are keen to have guest speakers from industry to meet with their students and to promote their apprenticeship program to a wider audience. Find out more about the Landscaping offers or about apprenticeships at Plumpton College and BCA by visiting their websites: Plumpton CollegeBerkshire College of Agriculture

Green Skills Sector Group

On 10 July, the GoLandscape team went to the Walkie Talkie building for a meeting with business leaders from various sectors and universities across the capital to discuss green careers and how we can encourage young people into job roles. GoLandscape also looked at how we can support schools to spread the message of green careers and the types of roles that are available. GoLandscape are committed to working to promote the landscaping and horticulture careers sector to young people from different social backgrounds.

RHS Flower Show Tatton Park

The GoLandscape Team were at RHS Tatton Park, supporting Accredited Contractor Grant Horticulture on their Silver-gilt award winning Show Garden The Grant Horticulture Arts & Crafts Garden. The show garden was a great success with lots of positive comments coming from the general public. 

Meet the GoLandscape team

GroundsFest 10-11 September

The GoLandscape team will be co-exhibiting with BALI at GroundsFest, Stoneleigh Park on stand L7 in the Landscaping Zone.

BALI Chalk Fund Open Forum 10 September

The GoLandscape team will be supporting the BALI Chalk Fund open forum for training providers, colleges and providers of landscape, horticulture and garden design skills. The focus of the forum is to hear first hand how The Chalk Fund, along with the GoLandscape can improve their support, as well as gather feedback for future development ideas. We will also be sharing how colleges can access funding for additional industry skills training for students and how we can motivate students through awards.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Nicky McMurdo 

FutureScape 15-16 October

GoLandscape and BALI join forces again for the FutureScape exhibition in ExCel London. Visit us stand T60.


If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador and supporting GoLandscape, complete the sign-up form here. We will get in touch to arrange an introductory session to set you on your way.

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