news article

Government Committee Chair nominations open

09 Sep 2024 | BALI News

Members of Parliament have begun the process of electing chairs for the various committees across Government. The Association is tracking the activity of the following committees:

The Environmental Audit Committee

The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) is a UK parliamentary body that scrutinises government policies on environmental protection and sustainable development. The committee ensures that the government’s environmental policies align with global environmental commitments. The next chair will be a Labour Party MP, following the allocation of committee chairs by political parties.

For more details, visit the committee page here.

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee oversees issues related to environmental protection, food production, and rural communities in the UK. It scrutinises government policies and practices in these areas, addressing topics like agriculture, food standards, and environmental sustainability. The next Chair will a Liberal Democrat Party Member, following the allocation of committee chairs by political parties.

For more details, visit the committee page here.

The Horticulture Sector Committee

The Horticultural Sector Committee is a Lords Select Committee tasked with examining the development of the horticultural sector in the UK. It focuses on issues affecting this industry, aiming to provide recommendations for its improvement and sustainability. The committee has conducted inquiries and published reports, including a significant one on safeguarding the future of horticulture in the country. The committee's work is part of the broader efforts of the House of Lords to influence policy in this sector.

For more details, you can visit the committee's page here.

The Built Environment Committee

The Built Environment Committee is a Lords Select Committee that examines matters related to the built environment, focusing on housing, planning, transport, and infrastructure policies. It conducts inquiries, gathering oral and written evidence, which often culminate in reports. The committee also engages in non-inquiry work, revisiting past topics or addressing current issues.

You can find more details here.

The Education Committee

The UK Parliament's Education Committee is a select committee responsible for scrutinising the policies, administration, and spending of the Department for Education. It examines issues related to education, including early years, schools, higher education, and further education. The committee gathers evidence, questions ministers and experts, and produces reports to influence government policy on education matters.

You can find more details here.

The Environment and Climate Change Committee

The Environment and Climate Change Committee is a select committee of the UK Parliament's House of Lords. Its focus is on scrutinising the government's policies and proposals related to the environment and climate change, ensuring that they align with the UK’s targets for achieving net zero emissions and other environmental goals.

The committee examines a wide range of issues, including climate change mitigation, environmental protection, and sustainable practices. It gathers evidence from experts, stakeholders, and government officials to inform its reports and recommendations, which are then published to influence policy decisions.

More details can be found here

The Energy Security and Net Zero Committee

The Energy Security and Net Zero Committee is focused on issues related to energy security and the transition to a net-zero carbon economy. Its primary role is to scrutinise government policies, monitor developments in the energy sector, and assess the effectiveness of measures aimed at ensuring a secure and sustainable energy future. The committee examines topics such as energy infrastructure, climate change policies, and the impact of energy transitions on various sectors. Its goal is to provide oversight and make recommendations to improve energy policy and ensure a balanced approach to energy security and environmental sustainability.

More details can be found here.

The Women and Equalities Committee

The Women and Equalities Committee focuses on issues related to gender equality and discrimination. Its primary role is to scrutinise and oversee the government's policies and actions concerning women and equality. The committee conducts inquiries, gathers evidence, and produces reports on various topics, aiming to promote fair treatment and equal opportunities for all genders and to address inequalities in society.

More details can be found here

Remarks from The Association

Once nominations of Committees have been confirmed, our immediate focus will be on ensuring that the reflections, concerns and priorities of our members and the Association are effectively communicated and integrated into the Committee initiatives. The Association is committed to fostering open lines of communication and collaboration with the new committees to drive our efforts for members forward.

We encourage members who are interested in contributing to these efforts to get in touch with us. Your participation is invaluable as we strive to achieve our shared objectives and continue to strengthen our Industry.



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