news article

idverde and its partners are proud to fly 122 Green Flags

23 Jul 2019 | BALI Member News

Outdoors facilities management specialist, idverde, is delighted that 112 of the parks and green spaces it maintains on behalf of its clients have been awarded the Green Flag for 2019, recognising them as some of the best in the UK.

idverde looks forward to the annual Green Flag preparations as an opportunity to develop and strengthen relationships with clients and local green space users.  This year, we were particularly pleased that seven of the sites we look after have been awarded a Green Flag for the first time ever.

Andrew Kauffman, Head of idverde’s Greenspace Development Team, said:

“The achievement of a Green Flag is so much more than a key performance indicator, or something for client and contractor to view as a ‘tick in a box’.  The award of a Green Flag demonstrates that a community really cares about their park and that, in times of austerity and shrinking budgets, flying the Green Flag gives a park a visible symbol of its value to the community.

By helping our clients and their local communities work towards a Green Flag we don’t only focus on ensuring the maintenance of the site is carried out to the highest possible standard.  Equally importantly, we work with all stakeholders to help them realise all the benefits that parks can bring to their communities – as recreational, educational, social, and healthy spaces to be enjoyed and cared for by all – and not taken for granted.”

The 112 Green Flags flying above parks and green spaces idverde cares for alongside clients and their communities highlight the contribution these areas make to health, social cohesion, climate change adaptation, and biodiversity.  The award recognises the hard work and dedication by all those involved in their care and idverde is very proud of its colleagues who contributed to this achievement.

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