news article

idverde marks centenary with charity cycle ride

02 May 2019 | BALI Member News

idverde colleagues from across the UK, The Netherlands, and France will collaborate in a sponsored cycle ride around Regent’s Park, London, to raise money for charity, Family Action on 9th May.

2019 is a significant year for idverde and Family Action, with BALI Registered Contractor member idverde celebrating 100 years of creating and maintaining landscapes, and Family Action marking 150 years supporting families across the UK.

As part of the celebrations, idverde has invited colleagues from across its European bases to participate in a sponsored cycle relay around The Regent’s Park in London, which idverde maintains on behalf of The Royal Parks.

Teams of idverde colleagues, hailing from France and The Netherlands, as well as the UK, will cycle around the park’s perimeter, a distance of approximately 4.5km, with teams aiming to rack up 100 laps each. The participants are being sponsored by colleagues, friends, and family, with all money raised going to Family Action to help the charity continue to transform lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country.

The celebrations will continue later this month at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, when the two organisations will unveil a thought-provoking ‘Family Monsters’ garden, designed by idverde’s Alistair Bayford, and designed to get people talking about the everyday pressures all families face but can find difficult to talk about.

idverde UK CEO Doug Graham, who will also be one of the cyclists taking part in next week’s event, said:

“Our mutual anniversaries are a perfect opportunity for idverde and Family Action to come together and demonstrate our shared commitment to stronger families and the green spaces they rely upon. It’s also given us a great reason to bring members of the idverde ‘family’ together to take part in this sponsored cycle ride, which we hope will be lots of fun and raise money for this fantastic charity.”

Family Action’s Chief Executive, David Holmes CBE added:

“Family Action would like to give huge thanks to idverde and their fantastic staff for all their enthusiasm and generosity in organising and taking part in the sponsored cycle ride. We are already so grateful to idverde for their inspirational work and support regarding the Family Monsters Garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower and really appreciate that they are further supporting Family Action’s work with the cycle ride.  Our strong partnership reflects our shared values as organisations that support families and local communities.”

To show your support for Family Action please visit the Regent’s Park Cycle Challenge Just Giving page at to make a donation.

idverde and Family Action would like to thank The Royal Parks for kindly allowing the sponsored cycle ride to take place at The Regent’s Park.

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