Risk assessment templates and method statement webinar
The Association would like to remind members there is a suite of template risk assessment documents available to download from the myBALI area of the website, including past webinars to help support you and your business.
The webinar introduces the principles associated with risk assessment; how to assess risk and identify measures to address these.
To support members, a suite of template risk assessment documents covering the most common landscape tasks is available to download directly from the BALI website. These assessments cover all risks likely to arise during landscape construction and maintenance works, ranging from manual handling to weather hazards.
The risk assessments are available in two formats; a simple, single table suited to smaller businesses completing domestic projects of a similar nature, or a suite of 51 risk assessment and method statement documents which cover a wide range of construction or grounds maintenance projects for domestic or commercial clients.
Please follow the links below for more details.
Further reading