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Skills England Report – championing landscaping in the green skills narrative

07 Oct 2024 | BALI News

As the UK steers towards a greener future under the Labour Government’s agenda, the association is committed to putting its members and the wider sector at the forefront of the green and circular economy transformation. The recent Skills for England report have highlighted critical opportunities for developing green skills and growing a green workforce, but it also underscores the need for robust support from both government and public institutions. Within this evolving narrative, the landscaping industry already boasts a rich pool of talent and expertise, with professionals who design and build spaces that enhance biodiversity, improve sustainability, and bring communities closer to nature among many other virtues.

From restoring natural habitats to designing eco-friendly urban environments, our members—landscape designers, architects, suppliers, and contractors—are not only practitioners but also innovators, driving sustainable change across the UK. However, to meet this Government’s ambitious environmental goals, greater recognition is needed of the pivotal role landscaping plays in achieving these targets.

Elevating Industry Profile & Access to Opportunities

The Association is deeply committed to upskilling the existing workforce to meet rising demands and positioning landscaping as a vital career pathway in the green economy. By doing so, we aim to elevate the profile of the landscaping industry, opening doors for our members to become leading voices in green skills development. Through our partnerships with educational bodies and the activity of GoLandscape, we are working to embed landscaping skills into vocational training programs, ensuring that young people and career changers alike view landscaping as a desirable, future-proof profession.

We are also working to secure funding for skills development programs that help landscapers integrate cutting-edge technologies, such as sustainable land management practices and green energy solutions. These initiatives ensure that our members are not just part of the conversation around sustainability but are positioned at the heart of the UK's environmental transformation.

Expanding Influence Through Advocacy & Collaboration

To further expand opportunities for our members, the Association is actively advocating for increased government recognition and support. Through engagement with All-Party Parliamentary Groups and Parliamentary Select Committees, we are pushing for policy changes that position landscaping as a cornerstone in key government agendas, including urban greening, climate resilience, sustainable housebuilding and greenspace allocation.

Additionally, the Association’s GoLandscape initiative is actively promoting landscaping as an exciting, viable career choice, especially for those interested in enhancing their green skills and sustainable development. By collaborating with regional skills initiatives and local skills networks set out in the report, we are ensuring that landscapers can tap into national and local resources, gaining access to training and funding opportunities. This approach not only helps members develop the skilled workforce they need, but also strengthens the resilience and growth of the entire sector.

Unlocking Opportunities for the Green Workforce

The introduction of the Growth and Skills Levy presents an unprecedented opportunity for landscapers to access the training needed to develop essential green skills. This levy will enable members of all sizes to invest in their staff’s development, equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to deliver high-quality, sustainable projects that meet new regulatory and environmental standards.

Through these efforts, the Association is working to ensure that landscaping becomes a recognised leader in the green skills arena. We are demystifying what green skills mean for our sector, from sustainable irrigation techniques to biodiversity-driven design, and ensuring our members have the knowledge and skills to thrive.

Chief Executive Wayne Grills said: 

"Landscaping is an essential green industry, and it’s time the government recognises it as such. By upskilling our current professionals and drawing new talent into the sector, we can meet the UK's environmental challenges head-on. Together, we can ensure that landscaping becomes a high-profile, thriving career choice."

A Shared Vision for the Future

By aligning landscaping with the UK's sustainability goals, the Association is opening doors for our members to play a leading role in shaping the nation’s green economy. Through ongoing advocacy, collaboration, and skills development, we are ensuring that our industry doesn’t just keep pace with change but actively drives it. Our members, equipped with cutting-edge skills and government-backed support, will be central to delivering on the promise of a greener, more sustainable future for the UK.


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