Tree health pilot scheme launched
Earlier this week the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) announced the launch of tree health pilot (THP) scheme grants for owners and managers of the following species:
- larch trees with Phytopthora ramorum
- spruce with a statutory plant health notice (SPHN) for Ips typographus (eight-toothed spruce bark beetle) or that are growing in the proactive spruce removal area
- sweet chestnut trees with Phytophthora ramorum or sweet chestnut blight
- oak trees with oak processionary moth (OPM) in the established area
- ash trees with ash dieback
Whilst the grant covers selected regions only (North west, West midlands, South east and London), it can be used either for trees in woodland or trees outside woodland, and there is no minimum or maximum number of trees for which a grant can be applied.
The THP scheme is open to all people who manage specific trees or woodlands infected by specific pests and diseases. Stakeholders can apply either as an individual or on behalf of other people for a group grant. E.g. a local council or charity.
Further reading
Tree health pilot scheme: who can apply and what land is eligible