Updated ROLO Operative training course launched
The revised ROLO Operatives Course, supporting materials and question bank are all now live and being rolled out to our registered Training Providers.
The new course is now based on a CITB approved course specification and so Operatives who take and pass the course can be confident that that have they can gain an appropriate LISS/CSCS Card to access on to a construction site.
Following feedback from providers, we have placed more emphasis on learner interaction by including more activities and discussion opportunities within the structure of the course. We hope that this will give providers the opportunity to use these activities to discuss candidates’ experiences – hopefully making the course more meaningful for learners.
As part of the drive to make the course more relevant to learners, we have updated the case studies to reflect actual incidents reported by the HSE.
We have also tried to make the course materials more flexible. And so, subject to agreement with BALI, you will be able to personalise the course materials by adding your own relevant content to the presentation.
As well as the changes to the presentations and questions, we have made the platform more user friendly in response to feedback from our training providers. So, going forward, training providers will only need to register their candidates once and candidates will no longer have workbooks but will still have downloadable documents should they require.
We have been extremely grateful to the organisations and training providers who have taken the time to talk to us and to give us their thoughts on the new presentations and the questions bank. We have found this interaction extremely useful, and it has helped us put together what we feel is much improved course materials.
We want this discussion to be ongoing to allow us to continue to improve the course. We intend to make more regular changes to ensure that the presentation and questions are kept up to date and reflect current best practice for health and safety and environmental management. If you would like to be included in future consultations on the course, please contact the team at rolo@bali.org.uk.