news article

The importance of green-roofs for the environment

03 Mar 2020 | Technical News

The British Association of Landscape Industries talks to Bridgman & Bridgman Living Roofs about the importance of green roofs for the environment in urban spaces. With a rise in pollution and climate change on the agenda, find out below how green roofing can be beneficial to the environment.

What are green roofs

A green roof is a roof or deck where vegetation or habitat for wildlife is deliberately established. Although ‘green’ refers to vegetation, not all green roofs are uniformly green in colour. Different vegetation types, or features such as stones, sandy soils or dead wood added to create wildlife habitat, can result in a variety of colours and textures.

Why are they important

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Green roofs help address the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis, by bringing nature back into our cities and towns; greening buildings, cooling and cleaning the air, storing rainwater and carbon and providing habitat for insect and bird life.

How do green roofs support the environment

Green roofs have a big impact on flood and stormwater management, slowing down runoff and reducing the need for underground attenuation.

Green roofs have been shown to have benefits for a range of invertebrate species. Sedum flowers provide foraging for pollinators, especially bees in late June. They are also important foraging habitat for birds. Species that will use green roofs for foraging include Goldfinches, Starlings and Wagtails.

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New green roof technologies are in development that contributes to a more circular economy, reducing plastic use, developing local green jobs and cutting carbon from transport.

Where can green roofs be used?

Green roofs and roof gardens can be created almost anywhere. From new housing developments to major commercial buildings, local public realm structures, bus shelters, industrial buildings and domestic settings.

Green roofs can be retrofitted on existing buildings and combined with solar and ‘blue’ technologies for storing water. Biodiverse green roofs are designed to provide a particular native vegetation type or bespoke habitat for particular species of wildlife. These green roofs typically have deeper soils than extensive green roofs, which may or may not be irrigated and tend to have a wider variety of plant types, including shrubs.

World Green Roof Day 2020

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We are pleased to be launching World Green Roof day on 6th June 2020. This new annual day of celebration is an opportunity to share images, projects and case studies of all the fantastic green roof and roof garden projects around the globe. Green roofs have the potential to make a huge impact in how we respond to the climate emergency and radically change the way our urban environments function, contributing to a significant gain for nature and our health.

Alissa Pemberton, BALI Registered Contractor Bridgman & Bridgman Living Roofs.

To take part in World Green Roof Day on social media use the hashtags #WGRD and #WGRD2020 on the day and in the lead up to it.

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