latest news

Visits from pesticide enforcement officers reported by members
Members urged to review use of PPP to ensure conformance with law.

Biodiversity Net Gain exemptions
Most small developments are exempt from BNG; learn more about the criteria in this article.

Pedestrians injured by tree felled adjacent to public footpath
Failure to implement safety-critical measure resulted in avoidable incident.

Working on slopes code of practice
How to work safely on slopes: a guide for landscape operations

A refreshed outlook on water uses and landscaping
Water challenges highlight the need for innovative approaches in garden design and residential development to conserve water and manage waste more effectively.

Call for Applications for Defra Plant Health Register of Reviewers
Experts sought to support Plant Health research

CDM compliance among landscape professionals
Identify your CDM responsibilities.

Forest Plastics Working Group
Working group making progress in relation to plastic use.

Contract templates available to members
Landscape contract available for free to Association members

Eight-toothed spruce bark beetle found on new species
Recent surveillance reveals new outbreaks.